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As the guide of our wine tasting journey: Hi, I'm Tim! Picture this: Amsterdam's energy, the canals whispering stories, and a new chapter in wine tasting – It all began with a vision: to redefine how we experience wine. No more stuffy cellars or monotonous tastings. My idea was simple yet vibrant – craft experiences, where quality wine meets unbridled fun, and each sip tells a story.

Whether you and your friends are seeking a fresh take on wine, or you're looking for the ideal setting of unforgettable business outings - let's set the stage for unique memories in the vibrant city of Amsterdam together! Because you're allowed to let loose at wine tastings!

As the guide of our wine tasting journey: Hi, I'm Tim! Picture this: Amsterdam's energy, the canals whispering stories, and a new chapter in wine tasting – It all began with a vision: to redefine how we experience wine. No more stuffy cellars or monotonous tastings. My idea was simple yet vibrant – craft experiences, where quality wine meets unbridled fun, and each sip tells a story.

Whether you and your friends are seeking a fresh take on wine, or you're looking for the ideal setting of unforgettable business outings - let's set the stage for unique memories in the vibrant city of Amsterdam together! Because you're allowed to let loose at wine tastings!


As the guide of our wine tasting journey: Hi, I'm Tim! Picture this: Amsterdam's energy, the canals whispering stories, and a new chapter in wine tasting – It all began with a vision: to redefine how we experience wine. No more stuffy cellars or monotonous tastings. My idea was simple yet vibrant – craft experiences, where quality wine meets unbridled fun, and each sip tells a story.

Whether you and your friends are seeking a fresh take on wine, or you're looking for the ideal setting of unforgettable business outings - let's set the stage for unique memories in the vibrant city of Amsterdam together! Because you're allowed to let loose at wine tastings!



our tastings our tastings
Paul Koopman  / Vriendenweekend

His knowledge, enthusiasm and presentation about wines are very infectious, making everyone (including inexperienced wine drinkers) hanging on his every word.

Wout Druijf  / Bedrijfsuitje

Connoisseur with clear explanations, delicious wines and price is also pleasant.

Isabeau Veltmaat  / Afdelingsuitje

Tim ensures that the wine tasting is fun, interesting and above all tasty for every level.

Joris Janssen  / Vriendengroep

The balance between tasting wines/learning about wines and having a pleasant evening is perfect.

Naomi Beek

It's not your standard wine tasting as you really go on a journey within the flavours.



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